Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Meet Lulu - My New BBFF

This is Lulu the Chi-Chi. She's my new Bloggin Best Friend Forever. It's true I may have said some disparaging remarks about Chihuahuas in the past but that was before I knew Lulu. Lulu is the Chihuahua that made me change my position on Chihuahuas. She's just not your average Chi-Chi. She's awesome and here's why:

1) Just look at her cute size. Sometimes I wish I could be this small. Think of how handy this small size would be for me if say... Traci & Jake want to sneak me into the movie theater. I pretty much have to wait for movies to come to OnDemand before I can see them because I'm too fat for Traci's purse. But Lulu's size, problem solved!

2) I hear Lulu is currently expanding her Fall wardrobe. A dog with so many looks is all right in my book. Just look at her cute clothes. I wish we could share outifts but even at my skinniest point I would be too fat. That's a bummer. But I think we would both look hot in a kitty wig!

3) Like everthing else about Lulu, her coloring is not the average Chi-Chi... it's better! Lulu has the coloring of those handsome snow dogs (aka Huskies) that make me weak in the pug legs. Behold...

4) She looks super nice and if we arranged play dates I just know we would have lots of fun. I can tell she and I are all about having fun!

5) Lulu's owner Amanda is super nice and very concerned about pet issues. We just have so much in common. In fact, she has a blog section entitled,"I love animals more than people." She talks about that ASPCA ad with Sarah McLachlan singing In The Arms Of An Angel... I can't watch it either because I cry every time! I tell The People to change the channel immediately.

So, that's a little bit about my new friend Lulu. Hope to see more pictures of her on Amanda's blog. Lulu is cute and should be shared with the world!

Now, when is Jake going to put a "I love animals more than people" section on his blog?!


Amander said...

Best. Post. Ever.

Some day soon I shall do a post about you, my good friend Riles (you don't mind if I call you Riles, do you?)

Amanda is going to put up the new fall wardrobe post sometime today, so look for it.

Thanks for the love,

The G-Funk! said...

Wow, Riley, I think this shows that you value diversity among dogs and you don't discriminate based on breed. Good for you. I raised you right.

Mucky-Muck Maren said...

It makes me so happy to think that I am the reason Riles and Lulu became BBFF. Riley you always amaze me with your diversity.

Riley Crockett - Pug of the Wild Frontier said...

Lulu, you can call me Riles... I love it! I'm going to check out your new Fall wardrobe right now.

Traci, you did teach me well and when I become the first pet to win the Nobel Peace Prize (just to prove Jake wrong about pets being a nuisance) I am dedicating it to you!

Maren, I am in your debt! Lulu and I will be the best of friends. You always amaze me with your social networking skills.

Amander said...

I just saw that Tinkerbell won your little quiz. Long live the Chis!

Kristina P. said...

Riles, I'm so happy you commented on my blog. You are super well spoken for a pug. Truth be told, I have been stalking you for a while, but I don't have a dog, so I felt out of the loop.

However, we hope to get an English Bulldog at some point, so maybe you and him/her can be doggy friends.

I will add you to my blog roll. I don't discriminate. Like my hero, Tyra Banks. Dog, or transgendered, or even a transgenered dog. All the same to me.

And I finally had the great opportunity to meet your wonderful aunt Maren.