Friday, August 1, 2008

The Weirdest Thing To Happen To Me Since Ronaldo

So, I'm back. That wasn't a big deal. In fact, if I didn't have four little stitches on my tummy I don't think I would even remember I had surgery yesterday. Drugs... works every time! By the way, they also shaved my tummy. This could be a new look for me, sort of G.I. Pug or Britney Spears. It could go either way.

The People were late picking me up. From what I understand one or both of them had a rip in their pants and had to go home to change. This is another reason why I don't do pants. And yeah, the thought crossed my mind that it does sound like a lame excuse for picking me up late. The nurse people gave me a bath this morning so I was all wet on the way back to Shauna's.

My doctor is cool even if he does have a weird name. There were a couple of prestigious dog judges that left several dogs with Dr. Pew for the same operation. One of the judges thought I was a good looking pug. I agreed with that so she's okay in my book.

I don't need pills for pain. I just have to take this anti-inflammatory stuff for a while. My stitches come out in 10 days. Boo-yah!

I can see Loki and Squeaker did diddley squat on the blog. Well, let's assume we're all the better for it.

I didn't know what to expect but since I'm not messed up like an alcoholic rodeo clown I thought I might talk The People into ordering pizza and renting Juno & Best in Show tonight. Who knows... it could be fun.

P.S. The People think it will be a novelty to start a waist watcher for me. Perhaps we can work out a raffle for the winner of my final waist measurement... care to place any bets?



I am Laura said...

I love Best In Show. One of my favorites. Glad the surgery went ok. Hope everything worked perfectly. My guess for final measurement 30. I really don't know measurements well so I am probably totally off.