Monday, August 25, 2008

My Sonogram and Me: A Tail of Adventure & Intrigue

I got my sonogram today which wasn't really my cup of Postum. But it's official, I'm preggars with "multiple puppies!" Whatever that means?! The nurse wouldn't commit to any number, she just said "multiple puppies" when she looked at this photo:

Obviously the lady is nuts. All I see is something that looks like a small black pumpkin at the top, the bust of Mozart in the middle, and a bright line that looks like the paddle used in the old-fashioned Pong video game at the bottom.

I came out of the vets thinking, The People dragged me out of bed this morning to go to the place I hate most to get cold gel rubbed all over my belly just for this freakish picture?! This is the very definition of asinine.

There was another pug in the waiting room today. OK to fair in the looks department. I don't know what was wrong with it but the girl owner ran over to me and kept talking about my soft fur. I am a people magnet! The guy owner was yelling on his cellphone. He had to step outside.

My due date is Sept. 28th. I'm scheduled for an x-ray on the 22nd. Boy, I'm looking forward to that! Let me tell ya. But as a consolation my pug sister has decided to throw me a puppy shower. I hope I get a lot of stuff. I love stuff.

Grams needed lunch on the way home so a stop at Taco Bell was in order. This is a fine establishment if you ask me. I like the smells. I'm beginning to understand that food pops out of windows at these places so I get excited with giddy anticipation. Grams got two tacos and I pandered all the way home but she didn't even notice me. Dang it! I did some of my best pandering moves too.

On the drive home we saw an apocalyptic, sepia toned cloud rising into the sky near Draper and realized there was a big fire. We just had to stop and get my picture taken with the smoke plume. Cars stopped, people were running around in mass hysteria, others were taking pictures on their smartphones. You would have thought it was a robot uprising or the DNC convention or something really important like that but it was just all smoke and mirrors. Amid the chaos a group of Hispanic brothers turned and laughed at me getting my picture taken with the smoke plume. Apparently they've never seen a pug getting a picture with a smoke plume before. I thought they needed to grow up and get some cojones. I was about to bark this at them but before I knew it I was in the car again and we were off.

Grams had to go to the bank. The lady in the bank window saw me and sent a dog treat through the bank sucky thing. It's the good looks thing again... so many perks, so little time. Unfortunately, the treat was crap. I kicked it off the backseat as fast as puggingly possible.

I'm sensing naptime approaching so I will close this here.


The G-Funk! said...

Oh Riley, I miss you so much!! When are you going to come visit again? I am glad your sonogram turned out so well. That is pretty exciting news. Please let us know when the pug baby shower will be.

Amander said...

Congrats Riley!!! Can't wait to see the little puglets that come from you. I also can't believe you only have a month of being pregnant left.

Mucky-Muck Maren said...

Riley! It sounds like you had a rough day. Sorry that the people don't seem to understand that being pregnants means you are tired a lot. It is hard work growing little puppies.

I am going to come and visit Traci and Fatt Jake this weekend and I'd love to see you as well. I think you and Traci should talk and you should make a visit to your human parents home. Think about it.

Riley Crockett - Pug of the Wild Frontier said...

Party at the Gundersen house with Maren! I'm so there! Just remember the karaoke promises you made... a pregnant pug singing karaoke can't be as bad as the pregnant woman smoking cigarettes in a construction area, right?

Oh, the love! You guys are the best bloggin posse ever!

I am Laura said...

Congrats on all the babies. I wish my pregnancy could be that short. The luck of being a dog. Hope you aren't feeling too nauseated and sick right now. I sure am.