Monday, September 8, 2008

I'm Riley Gundersen and I Approve This Message.

I miss Traci so I drew this picture of us together with our matching flag bikinis and the hunting rifles we purchased from "Get Some Guns And Ammo" on State St. I know you would be shocked to find out this picture was in no way photoshopped! One of my main reasons for doing this was so you would have art for your desk at the office. The "Press Button To Operate Donkeys" sign on your desk is looking a little sad and lonely. My picture is printer friendly. Just think of all the office envy this picture would garner. I bet no else at work has a talking pug. I think I look like Mickey Mouse in this picture.


Kristina P. said...

You look totally hot! Oh, and as I was looking for a picture to post on my computer, I found one of a pug, dressed up as Yoda. He looked cute, but he really needed a semi-automatic weapon to look really cool.

Amander said...

I have to say you are looking stunning in that bikini. You wouldn't even know you were pregnant!

rychelle said...


i linked to your blog from kristina's, amanda's and maren's blogs. i am a true fan and stalker. i hope you don't mind.

you look really great in your modest bikini!

and congrats on being preggers. i wish you would add one of those fetus countdown widgets to your blog though.

I am Laura said...

Thanks for the comment. It is awesome being pregnant together. I am not getting too fat yet -- stupid nine months of pregnancy throws everything to a slower pace. I am sick a bit and so so tired. I can't wait till your babies come to see what they look like. Love reading your blog -- thanks for stopping by mine.

Mucky-Muck Maren said...

Riley your talents always amaze me. Pregnant, blogging, drawing and looking dang good in a bikini. Apparently some of our family members are headed down to Vegas this weekend. You should join them if you are up to it. I understand if you can't being knocked up and all.

Riley Crockett - Pug of the Wild Frontier said...

Oh, I just love you guys! You make me feel good about myself even when I'm plump and in a bikini. Would you believe I've never taken an art class in my life? I know, it's shocking. Nothin but raw talent on display.

Kristina, I would love to see the picture of the Yoda pug but I do agree with your assessment of the semi-automatic weapon addition. Somehow semi-automatic weapons make everyone look cool. Weddings, bar mitzvahs, family Christmas photos... there is no end to the list of occassions where the addition of semi-automatic weapon is priceless and desired.

Amanda, thank you for lying about my plump figure. It really means a lot to me to have a friend like you. I really thought Lulu looked stunning in a bikini. She can pull it off. I, on the other hand, should stick to old grannie one pieces. Does Lulu paint? I'd love to see artwork by a Chi Chi.

Rychelle, welcome to the world of Riley... you can't escape now (insert maniacal yet happy laughing here)! So glad you posted on my blog. It's actually a funny story. I noticed your hilarious blog (I am a true fan myself) the other day and wanted to write something clever on it but it looks like you beat me to it! You are now a member of the my club and I've linked you in my Bloggin Posse of Fame. Between you and me... modesty is not my forte. You know, I am a nudist at heart! I should add a fetus countdown widget to my blog. I'm still trying to work all the technicalities out. I wonder if they have puppy widgets? Anyway, I can't wait to read your next post!

Laura, so glad to hear your pregnancy is coming along splendidly. I have to laugh everytime I think of little James calling you and Ben "The Mommies". That's good stuff! And I couldn't be happier to have you as my pregnancy twin... that's just too cool!

Maren, oh Maren, I can't tell you how happy I am to see you posting again. I would love to come to Vegas. I'll have to ask my handlers... I have a sneaking suspicion that Traci would want that and Jake would not. You know how Jake is when it comes to pets! Like a pet nazi! I heard you have a new addition to the family. Tell me more about Sandy my mystery cousin.

Amander said...

Hm, art by Lulu. Interesting concept...I'll have to have a disucssion with her about what medium she would care to use. Typically she likes to work with toilet paper. Shredding it and making lovely artwork all over my floor.