Monday, September 15, 2008

What the Fetch(dog)!!

Good Morning fellow bloggers! I hope you had a smashing weekend. I bet the title grabbed you. I do love cheap sensationalism. Let's start with the poll.... I just want to thank my lawyers (so Charlize Theron & Hilary Swank-esque of me), nannies, servants and everybody who made this win possible. I work in an amazing industry and to be noticed for my talents is just so amazing. I knew this day would come. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my little round belly. Of course, I wouldn't want to forget Traci and Aunt Maren and all of my bloggin posse of fame. You know who you are. Except Jake is questionable because I never really felt like he caught the vision that was me. But I'll just be polite and say he did for the sake of being polite. So, I guess I should end this before the timing guy dings me like Julia Roberts. I will however end with a few words to the 3 people that didn't want to hang out with me and opted for annoying booger pickin children instead. Obviously something is wrong with you. I will pray for your misguided souls.

I was pretty excited because my Early Autumn 2008 edition of fetchdog magazine arrived on Friday. I quickly scanned the new offerings and wanted to show you some of my favorites (Traci and Jake take note. My birthday, Fall Equinox Day, Columbus Day, Halloween, Daylight Savings Time Ends Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner.)

The Luxury Nesting Trundle - nothing says "I love you" more than this suffocating monstrosity in Ocelot. Look at the mixed breed that was shoved in the Caramel version. Look at the terror on it's face.

Look. This one has my name on it. This could help makes things easier so Jake doesn't get confused.

Check this out... so cop show cool! This could be a FHE activity for us.
'Shut the door, pull down the shades and conduct your own CSI investigation…for pee. This black light will show you how much urine is actually seeped and dried into your carpet with one wave. How? The crystalline structure of dried urine causes it to fluoresce a dull yellow color under UV light. Don't worry if it looks like a violent pee scene—our Urine-Off Spray will come to the rescue. Requires 4 AA batteries, not included. Protective eye wear recommended.'

The Helping Harness could come in handy for Jake when he gets older.

The Handy Lift Harness could come in handy for me right now. I'm the equivalant of a beached whale when it comes to pugs.

No more "Death by Dog Breathe" when you have Greenies Triple Chew.

Wowza! An Anti-Bloat Bowl for dogs. What will they think of next? This could have multiple uses in our house like for me and for Jake. It's a veterinarian tested and recommended bowl that encourages slower eating, making your dog feel more full. Helps reduce instances of re-eating and the risk of GDV, commonly known as bloat. Works with kibble or canned food. Tip resistant. Dishwasher safe. Colors differ for different sizes.

I demand celebrity treatment while traveling and nothing but the Telescoping Ramp will do.

I find nothing more disturbing than a traveling bag with a dog's head.

Now that we're back in Salt Lake the harsh winter climate can be so cold for a pug like me so what about investing in something fun and functional like this Reversible Down Parka in pink. I would look so cute in this.

Look Traci! Something just for Jake. It's the Tri-Tronics Sport Basic G3 Training Collar. Whenever it says pet and/or dog subsitute it with husband.
'Technology alone can’t train your dog. But the Tri-Tronics Sport Basic G3 Dog Training Collar enhances the process. With 10 levels each of transmitter-controlled continuous or momentary correction, an audible "buzz" button – and a full half-mile range – it’s easy to remind your dog to make the right decision. Waterproof, rechargeable and adjustable for all coat types – this training collar is technology’s contribution to the fine art of training. For dogs 6 months and older. Color: Black. Technology’s contribution to the fine art of dog training.'

I'm sorry but this Scat Mat is dog torture and should be outlawed. Traci, let's start an anti-scat mat bill and take it to Congress. I knew your lawyer smarts would come in handy. You will go down in the history of pets as a legend!

Who knew summit dogs really existed? I didn't until I read Jake's blog about Milly the Summit Dog. But guess what? It's really real. And here is a summit dog's necessities. So buy these for me and I'll be a summit dog too! Bark ’n Boots is the canine equivalent to hiking boots and the Web Master Harness keeps us together.

With the addition of another dog, let's just call him Mr. Brian Scroggins for now, the Knot-a-Long Leash and Coupler could be so handy when we take our walks.

And I even found some goodies for my doggie friends. Sandy would love the Orbee-Tuff Tug toy and the Automatic Toy & Treat Dispenser (yet another item that would work for Jake as well).
'So much fun it’s like doggie day care! Kong Time automatically dispenses food-filled toys from countertop or floor while you are away, keeping your dog both well fed and entertained for a four- to eight-hour period. Just fill each Kong Toy with kibbles or other snacks, push the button and your dog will be happy for hours. A beeping sound alerts your dog that a Kong Toy is on its way. Recommended for single-dog households. Easy to clean. Includes batteries. Kongs sold separately. 13" diameter x 6"H.'

And Lulu, this is so you!

And finally, this sounds truly terrifying on so many levels...

I'm seven weeks pregnant which translates to seven months pregnant for humans. I'm looking even more pokey in the belly. Does anyone want to guess how many puppies I will have? Here's the latest picture:


The G-Funk! said...

Wow Riley, what wonderful ideas! You are always so helpful when it comes to picking out gifts for you.

"Technology alone can’t train your husband" was like a newsflash to me. This whole time, I thought technology alone was good enough. But now I know the truth and will adjust accordingly, by buying this handy new husband collar with super electrodes. Yay!

Kristina P. said...

I'm so excited you're back! My blog has been so bare and Riley free. And congrats on the pregnancy. Who's the father? I hope he's not a total dog whore (you know, a the dog equivalent of a man whore.)

rychelle said...

great recommendations riley!

you should become a model for the catalog. you are clearly much cuter than any of their current models.

Amander said...

You are looking amazingly cute for 7 weeks pregnant. And you should just thank heavens you are not an elephant - they gestate for two years!

Thanks for passing along the fashion tip for Lulu. She'd look great in that sweater. And I am seriously considering the reversible parka as well. You could be twins!

I had no idea this "periodical" existed, but I am definitely going to sign up for it :)

Amander said...

Oh, and p.s. Lulu would probably like that trundle thing. She loves to burrow under a pile of blankets to sleep. Such a weird dog.

Riley Crockett - Pug of the Wild Frontier said...

I knew you would like the husband collar bikini lawyer mom! I never would have guessed technology alone couldn't train Jake... but alas, that is the folly of man.

Riley Crockett - Pug of the Wild Frontier said...

Kristina, thanks for posting. I love your blog and I was sad to miss it over the weekend but I'm back now and I plan to post comments on it religiously. I'll do an entry about my pug family so you can see the father of my puppies.

Rychelle, you are wonderful. Thanks for saying I could model for the fetchdog magazine. It is a dream of mine but I'm afraid I've lost my girlish figure at present.

Amander, totally get Lulu the pink vest. We should be twins! I never thought about the elephant angle but I will now thank my lucky stars that I'm not an elephant. My pug mom does the burrow thing so she would love the trundle bed too.

Mucky-Muck Maren said...

Riley you are getting fat! But so cute. I can't wait to see your little puppies and the gifts you will shower them with. I am looking forward to your family post - don't forget you loves you!