Friday, September 26, 2008

Ya'll Have Dem Beanie Puggies? You Have Dem. You Carry Dem.

Here's my quick little update (I have another post coming later tonight). I'm at the vets as we speak typing this out on my blackberry. (Jake insists that any pets that live in his household need to be technology savvy hence my blackberry.)

So, here's the story. I went to the vets on Monday to get my x-ray thing done. I was really in a bad mood (besides the fact that I hate the vets) and I just couldn't take another appointment. I was a little very upset about the whole x-ray process and it's entirely possible that I may have bit nipped at the tech nurses. Due to my mood and quote "Riley is full of poop" as the nurses put it (which is funny because that's what I thought about them), they didn't get a good look at the puppies. They were able to see 3 really well but there is a 4th puppy that may have a problem. If that is the case, they wanted me back at the vets to have a c-section delivery.

I got up this morning and The People took me to the vets to have another x-ray. They still couldn't tell if the 4th puppy has problems so they decided I need to stay at the vets over the weekend and they will perform the delivery. I'm kind of upset about this. I'm not looking forward to a weekend at the vets. Fortunately I do have my blackberry with me so I can keep in touch with my bloggin posse. They stuck me in a nesting room which is nice digs. I am pretty sure there are other dogs here. I try to text them but they are completely technology retarded so I have to do this the old fashioned way of barking. Maybe I can pick up some juicy stories for the blog. (Amander does like the incest stories!) I will definitely keep you posted.


Amander said...

Aw, man, that sucks you are stuck at the vet's. Totally understandable that you bit the tech - I do that at the doctor's office when I am irritated too.

Good luck Riley, and keep us posted!

Amander said...

Oh, and yes, please keep your ears open for tales of incest. They are my favorite! You are such a good friend.

Kristina P. said...

Just think about how cool you will be to have a scheduled C-section! All the cool Hollywood dogs are doing it. I mean, you're already so trendy, with your Blackberry and everything.

Kristina P. said...

Riley, my little doggy blog friend, my blog needs you! Have my blogs not been very dog friendly lately? I'll try to do better. I'll start posting pictures of hot bitches in bikinis. Will that work?

rychelle said...

first of all, i'm SO jealous of your blackberry!

secondly, i am thankful that you have a blackberry, so you can keep us up to date.

can't wait to see the pups (post the pics taken from your blackberry)