Wednesday, July 23, 2008

2nd Appointment - Still a No Go

Me at the Vet

Today was my second appointment. The car ride wasn't so long. I guess the more I take it the less time it seems to be. The waiting room was interesting today too. There were two girls that brought in two baskets full of these weird little dogs. They had chihuahua bodies with scottie dog heads. Anyway, I learned that the two dogs were twin sisters and they had gotten pregnant around the same time. They had their litters 2 days apart. Does anyone else think planned doggie deliveries for twins is a little weird? Secretly inside I wondered if they were with the same man... you know polygamists or something. Of course I would never voice this in front of them... Traci taught me better. Sounds like a couple of loose bitches if you ask me.

It's all about drama in the waiting room of the vets. There was a huge dog. No, not a dog, a horse. She was getting the progesterone test like me. Then there were mommies coming in to have puppies, mommies coming in for puppy check-ups and others coming in for tests.

They took me to the cold, scary room again and did more bum proding. Did I not tell you this would happen again? I panicked a little bit but then I thought, "What would FattJake do in this situation?" and I toughened up fast. I also wanted to make Traci proud.

The doctor said I'm close but not ready yet. My next appointment is on Friday. I asked Blind Boo the Showgirl what this would be like but all she did was babble at me like the crazy cat lady on The Simpsons.

I know Traci pretty much gets what I say to her but to better explain my situation to FattJake I decided to make some nerdy charts and graphs:

P.S. The treats here are still crappy so I need FattJake to Fedex me his famous home-cooked rib bones.


I am Laura said...

"Sounds like a couple of loose bitches if you ask me" Riley you make me laugh. Good luck getting pregnant. Must be tough.

The G-Funk! said...

Riley, that was very politically correct of you to put on your graph that you love Jake and I equally. We all know that isn't true, but I'm glad you are sensitive to Jake's feelings. Such a good dog.

Mucky-Muck Maren said...

Riley I am disappointed I am not on your graph. You know you love me more than Fatt Jake. I buy you pet clothes, give you treats, and take you for walks! What does Jake do for you?